Welcome to the DNA Learning Center at Notre Dame!

Author: Dr. Amy Stark

Welcome to the DNA Learning Center at Notre Dame’s blog! Thanks for finding us!  

We are extremely excited about the new opportunities this center will bring to the university, the community, and the region!  

The goal of the center is to serve as a resource to allow all to thrive in the gene age.  Genetics is an important part of life, from schooling to medical decisions and the center wants to be a resource for YOU.  

A common question is what exactly will the Center be doing? The center has a lot of different initiatives that will be phased on in the next 1-2 years. Initially, the center will offer hands-on field trips for Grades 4-12 and host after school and Saturday workshops. The Center will actively be looking for ways to engage in the community… please don’t hesitate to contact us with ideas!!

In the coming days, this blog will be used to introduce some of the people involved with the center and also highlighting some interesting genetics stories. Please check back to see what is going on at the DNA Learning Center!